Sunday, November 23, 2014

[BIKE] Main Street Soda Grill

Today it was 54 degrees outside; warm for a late November day in Ohio. Sarah and I decided to take the bikes out for a ride before I had to go to work. With no real plan in mind we headed West and ended up at the Vermilion Farm Market. After our pepperoni cheese purchase we continued West into Vermilion, a city that seems to appear a lot on this blog. Once downtown we decided to eat at another place that shows up frequently here, Big Ed's Main Street Soda Grill.

Main Street Soda Grill.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

One Year!

So today I was looking at the older blog posts and realized that about a week ago "Lorain County Life" hit the one year mark! Thanks to all that have read the blog and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.