Friday, January 27, 2017

Baby Gender Reveal. It's a...

Whoa, not yet, hold your horses. Today Sarah and I decided to host a gender reveal party for our baby boy/girl. We decided to just have some close family over for some pizza and a reveal cake. Sarah picked up the blood results from the doctor on Wednesday in a sealed envelope and dropped them off at Kiedrowski's Bakery in Amherst so that they could bake us a cake for the reveal. The cake will have a layer of frosting in the middle that will either be blue or pink. These are some pictures of the reveal. Are you excited? I know I am!

Beard or Bow?

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Baking with Aunt Sarah

Today we babysat our niece Alexandria and Aunt Sarah assisted her in baking cookies, which turned out exactly how you would have expected them to. Here are some pictures of the bakers.

First we must wash our hands. Alexandria is a germophobe.