Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Paternity/Maternity Leave (Part 1)

The following events took place during the three weeks after leaving the hospital (possibly not in the correct order)...

These are our stories...


Elizabeth and I being silly at dinner.

William's Unexpected Debut (Part 3)

On the second day Elizabeth and I got up and headed back to the hospital after eating breakfast.

That's her pancake face.

William's Unexpected Debut (Part 2)

After the ambulance took Sarah and Will to the hospital dad came and watched Elizabeth (who was sleeping the whole time) so I could follow behind. Everyone was perfectly fine, except for Will's temperature being 1 degree lower than it should, which was quickly remedied at the hospital.

The welcome party.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

William's Unexpected Debut (Part 1)

On Monday, July 29th at right around noon I made a call I never thought I would have to make, and it was to work. I called 911 because Sarah had just delivered William on our bathroom floor unexpectedly. The time lapse between her water breaking and William arriving was right around three minutes and I had no time to call until after he was already out. The rest is detailed in this call.