Sunday, March 18, 2018

Family Photos

A couple weeks ago I finally caved and Sarah got her wish of getting some professional family photos taken, and I have to admit that they turned out fairly well. Elizabeth wore a purple dress that Sarah had worn in pictures as a child and she held one of my childhood stuffed animals that my dad got me known simply as "Pandy". Let's take a look.

Someone was hit or miss with the smiles.

The Crawling Machine

Another month has gone by and the little one has learned a new skill. She is now a member of the Crawling Club. It is very exclusive and only includes energetic toddlers and tired parents with rug burnt knees just trying to keep up. We are mostly still homebodies as of late so the posts on here have been minimal, but I'm hoping for that to change soon with the weather getting nicer. Anyway, here are some pictures of the crawler.

Happy Valentines Day!