Sunday, January 25, 2015

[EXPLORE] Caboose Mystery Solved!

On April 15th of last year I took you all on a ride along the entirety of the North Coast Inland Trail. If you do not recall you can check it out here. On this trip I mentioned that there used to be a caboose that resided next to the old train depot. I thought to have photographed it behind a fence a little bit farther down the trail. I was incorrect.

Picture from 1970 of the caboose next to the depot.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

[EXPLORE] Vermilion River Reservation and Beach

Today after all of the snow fell the sun finally came out. I decided to grab a few shots of the Main Street Beach in Vermilion and also the Vermilion River Reservation. I also brought a furry friend.

Main Street Beach

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

[EXPLORE] Winter in Amherst

Today, before work I decided to test out my new car mount for the Action Cam and also take some pictures of the City of Amherst. Amherst, although not the city we reside in, is the closest to our home and we go there quite a lot. Some would actually say we live in "Loherst" due to our location far from Lorain and that our school district is Amherst Schools.

Now with dash cam!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

[EXPLORE] Marblehead Mystery Solved!

In the Summer of last year I posted about the Marblehead Lighthouse and the surrounding area. The post can be read here. In that post my wife and I stumbled across some old ruins that appeared to be an old railway bridge of some sort.