Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Lights in Oberlin

The other day I was doing some last minute Christmas shopping in Oberlin and while I was there decided to snap a few pictures. Once again I apologize for the low light graininess. I did my best to filter and clean them up.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wakeman, Ohio

Wakeman is a really neat little Village located on the northeast end of Huron County. It has an expansive history and I can honestly say I don't know much about it other than it was once a large railroad town and that an offshoot of the Lake Shore Electric Railway ran through it. So until I find some good history on the place here are a few shots I grabbed on the way home from a Christmas party.

Downtown Wakeman.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Sleepy Village of Bay View

I had some time to kill today while our condo was being shown and I haven't done a post in awhile, so Minnie and I went exploring.

If you follow Route 6 west through Vermilion, Huron, and then Sandusky you will be forced to veer south and connect with State Route 2, the infamous byway that has turned many lakefront areas into ghost towns. But, if you continue driving straight on Barrett Road you eventually come to a village that you may have never known to exist, Bay View.

Barret Road. Surrounded by Lake Erie and swampland.