Friday, January 27, 2017

Baby Gender Reveal. It's a...

Whoa, not yet, hold your horses. Today Sarah and I decided to host a gender reveal party for our baby boy/girl. We decided to just have some close family over for some pizza and a reveal cake. Sarah picked up the blood results from the doctor on Wednesday in a sealed envelope and dropped them off at Kiedrowski's Bakery in Amherst so that they could bake us a cake for the reveal. The cake will have a layer of frosting in the middle that will either be blue or pink. These are some pictures of the reveal. Are you excited? I know I am!

Beard or Bow?
Sarah's decor.

Team Blue!

Team Pink!

Everyone awaiting the we go!

The proof is in the frosting. It's a girl! Team blue has been defeated by estrogen...this time.

Even more proof.

Man, we are attractive.

The remains.

The future baby girl's room is now open for business!

Even though I was on Team Blue I am still ecstatic for what is to come and can't wait to meet our daughter.

Thanks for reading!

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