Friday, April 21, 2017

A Spring Fog

I know it has been a while since I posted on here, so I figured I would dump some pictures I took around the house while cleaning and changing out the window screens (67 year old house...not fun). I also threw in some random ones from the last couple months. I figured I would post these before they get buried in a terabyte of soon to be baby pictures.

Ooooh, the fog!

A bit brighter inside after Sarah got the artwork done in the kitchen.

Our plants...hopefully we are better parents.
A rabbit outside the kitchen window.
Looking out at the white tree. I got all artistic with it.
Back outside in the fog.
Tried to be artistic again, but got the focus wrong. Whoops!
Flashbacks to a nicer, sunnier day.
Alexandria says "have an egg".
And a final picture of the scavengers watching mom cook.
Sorry for the unorganized pictures.

Thanks for reading.

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