Friday, June 16, 2017

Ocean City (Part 4)

The next day we got up, showered, had our breakfast, and headed to the beach. Being the warmest day of our trip, it was finally time to swim in the ocean.

Baby submarine prepared to dive!
The water was freezing still, but once we were in for a while it got better. It was a blast!
After our swim we went put putting.
Sarah, losing.
Me, winning.
Then we went to lunch and had some delicious seafood at a small restaurant called Belly Busters.

Then we finished the first part of our day with ice cream from Dumser's Drive-In (not Dumpsters).
Banana ice cream with peanut butter and assorted nuts on top.
After stuffing our faces with delicious treats we headed back to our home away from home for another nap, which is very quickly becoming a vacation tradition. We aren't the young whipper snappers we once were!

When we woke up Sarah decided that she wanted to buy and fly a kite. So guess what we did?

We bought...
...and flew a kite.
I had to hold the kite in place while Sarah used the much pressure.

We worked up an appetite while honing our kite flying skills.
So we went to this place called Embers to get more seafood!


Me looking like a creep.
After dinning we went to walk the boardwalk one last time before we left the next morning. Most of the younger crowd had dispersed (due to it being Sunday) and we had it mostly to ourselves. The usage of the word "bro" had dropped about 99.9% and all was right with the world.

It's like a beach rave with no dancers.
Unce unce unce unce unce!

Sarah's "small" slushy thing. Clearly it was underestimated.
After exploring the beach one final time we made our way back to our "bed" and fell asleep to the sounds of accelerating crotch rockets and revving Honda Preludes. We had a great trip, but it was time to finally head back to our peaceful, sleepy neighborhood in Elyria.

Heading home the next day on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

What is this nonsense?
A closeup of said nonsense.
Home sweet home with Llama Sue. (We need pictures...)
I could have probably split this last portion into 2 more parts, but I think that anything more than 4 parts is excessive. So as always...

Thanks for reading!

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