Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Emily's Graduation from Lorain High

I met my sister-in-law Emily when she was only 10 years old. Yesterday she graduated from high school. It was a long ceremony, delayed do to the threat of inclement weather, but the speeches were good and the payoff even better. Congratulations to Emily and the rest of her class. The future is bright!

Lorain High School
Sarah, me, and Emily's boyfriend Dylan had to sit in the overflow area. It wasn't too bad.

Emily receiving her diploma.
She also gave a speech and led the turning of the tassels.

Despite the people walking in front of me, I was able to film most of her speech.

"I think that I am quite ready for another adventure" - Bilbo Baggins.
Dylan and Emily.
Sarah, Elizabeth and Emily.
Me and Emily.
Emily and my mother-in-law Brenda (her mom, of course).
Brenda, Emily and Tom.
Emily and her grandparents.
Emily with her diploma...
....and Emily flying away.
Emily wants to go to medical school and be an OB/GYN. I wish her all the best. If anyone can do it, I know she can!

Thanks for reading.

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