Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ocean City (Part 2)

After a good nights sleep in our extremely comfortable bed (heavy sarcasm) we got up and got dressed for our first day in Ocean City. Our light itinerary was in place, but first we had priorities.

Waffles....waffles are always a priority.
Quite the spread.
The eating area at the B&B. Pretty cool views.
Sitting area by the front door.
Our humble abode for the next couple days. Next stop, the beach!
The boardwalk.

The beach was huge!
We then walked down to the Life Saving Station Museum at the end of the pier.
On the way we stopped at the arcade and found like a billion free tickets! Later we would play and get more for an awesome prize.
The museum.
Sarah reading about a guy in a giant baby swing.
A surfboat. Taken out to sea to rescue sailors.

Then there was this creepy laughing lady that used to be on the boardwalk.

They used to pay people to push visitors around the boardwalk.
This Tiger Shark was caught right off the coast back in the day. Probably should have seen this after we went in the ocean.
We then took the tram back to our entrance to the boardwalk.
They were having soccer tournaments on the beach for kids.
Surprised this find wasn't on the news.
Our porch at the B&B.
It was time for a nap before we continued with our day. (Man we are old!)
To be continued...

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