Monday, November 22, 2021

It's Been Awhile

Well this is awkward. I'm sorry I abandoned you (I'm talking to myself mostly). This year has been busy to say the least and I would be lying if I said the blog was not at the top of my priority list. I was even uncertain if I would continue at all, but alas, here I am. Looking back at all the adventures we have gone through thus far has reignited an interest to push on. So, as the first blog post in almost a year I will start off by announcing that Lorain County Life has reached 8 years as of last week. Woohoo!

Notable things that have happened in 2021: 

- We had another baby boy! His name is Michael Vincent Davis.

- Elizabeth started preschool.

- Maggie unfortunately passed away.

- Coronavirus still exists.

....there is probably more that we will explore in pictures!

In February Elizabeth moved into a "big girl bed".

The kids enjoying the back seat back in March.

Decorating Easter Eggs in April.

William looking dapper on Easter in April.

Lunch on the back deck in April.

Maggie hanging out in the kitchen in April.

It's a....


Elizabeth in May.

Elizabeth's first drive-in movie on a cold and rainy May night.

William looking like a G on Memorial Day.

Elizabeth was so excited to get her library card back in June.

Elizabeth with the tiger we won at Cedar Point in June.

William on the jumping thing at our camping trip to Jellystone in June.

Elizabeth and Sarah working on crafts while camping.

William enjoying the seesaw at the campground.

The campsite. This would be our only trip this year due to work hours.

S'more time!

William checking out the moon.

William somehow kept ending up in our bed.

Baby Michael brewing in July.

William on the big wheel at Cedar Point in July.

Elizabeth with her winnings from the arcade at Cedar Point (people kept giving her tickets).

Elizabeth wanted a picnic in the front yard for her we had a picnic.

Mom with the kids on a ride at Cedar Point in July.

Elizabeth and her new bike at the kid's birthday party.

William playing with his new cars at his birthday party in July.

Elizabeth checking out her new bike and learning to ride it.

William posing in August.

Elizabeth down at Mill Hollow spending the day with Mom and Dad.

William and Elizabeth checking out the new Elyria fountain in August.

And also the Lakeview Park fountain.

Best friends in August.

Back at Cedar Point in August.

Carousel fun at Cedar Point! 

Elizabeth dropping off her forms to start Preschool in September!

Sarah and Elizabeth walking on the ford at Cascade Park in September.

William and I at Cascade.

Elizabeth's first day of preschool in September.

And another in the classroom.

Elizabeth showing the class her family.

Elizabeth was so excited about her day when she got home.

Sarah and Andrea during their "Witch Shoot" for a local photographer.

William laying on a Sheriff star at Dad's work.

William is the Street Fighter Champion!

Elizabeth at Apple Hill in September.

William at Apple Hill.

Me contemplating whether to plant beans or corn next season.

Sarah and I at our friend's wedding.

Elizabeth decorated my hair in October.

Sarah at her surprise diaper party in October.

The party was thrown by Andrea and she had no clue!

Elizabeth being crazy before school in October.

Sarah and I at the Van Gogh Exhibit in Cleveland.

Picking our pumpkins to carve at Schuster's.

Carving up our pumpkins.

Elizabeth driving a fire truck at school.

Elizabeth's preschool photo.

William hanging at home while his sister is in school.

Michael Vincent. Born 10/22 at 4:33pm. 8lbs and 19 inches long.

Sarah and Michael.

Michael and Michael.

A tradition...we had to improvise.

Grandma Toni having lunch with the kids while we were at the hospital.

Time to go home.

The kids meeting their new brother!

Elizabeth holding Michael for the first time.

William checking on his brother.

Elizabeth teaching her class.

A Rainbow, a ghost, and a pumpkin at Elizabeth's preschool Trunk-or-Treat.

The kids all had to dress up as a character from a book.

Elyria Trick-or-Treat 2021.

Sleepy baby.

A tea party for 2 in November.

A content child.

Little couch burrito.

Our first trip as a family of five.

Elizabeth at the Solstice Steps in Lakewood.

Sleepy baby.

Michael's first bath!

Grandma Gerry with Michael.

We even went to the drive-in to see Clifford.

Our house in November.

I know this was a longer post, but I had to catch up. I will try to keep more caught up in the future. Stay tuned for some Thanksgiving and Christmas fun!

Thanks for reading.

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